I created this board of system cards to get an over view of the memoir I’m currently writing.

Each card contains a chapter heading and subheadings for vignettes that I have written.
The cards in this picture do not show the text for privacy reasons.
I place this board on the side of my writing table, about waist high. The system cards are pinned to the cork board and show the text.
It’s refreshing to look at this board every now and again and not get bogged down into details from my journal of notes.
As I’ve worked on the memoir I’ve changed the order of a couple of cards and changed some chapter titles to get a better sense of flow for the memoir. And there probably will be further tweaking as I write the next draft.
Sometimes I just gaze at the board and new ideas pop into my head.
I’ll certainly use the board for future writing projects as it has been very helpful to get the big picture using small words.