This is an ordinary picture. But to a kid like me who grew up in Fitzroy during the 1950s and 1960s it means much more.
Before I took this photo in 2013 the area where the cars are parked was once an automotive garage. As kids we would climb on top of the roof for fun on Sundays, when it was closed. We played cricket in the lane way beside the lot, using an old wooden crate as a wicket, a hand made bat and a tennis ball.
The building with graffiti (‘are rebel’) was Mr O’Brien’s milk bar and my mate and his family lived behind the shop. I’d visit my mate’s place to watch shows like the American western, Bonanza, on his black and white television set. During the summer we’d also meet at the top of the lane to start our journey to the yabby ponds in Carlton.
A few years ago a four story apartment building was built on the lot which now obscures the view of my 2013 photo.
Note: The former Mr O’Briens (‘rebel’ graffiti’) building is on the corner of Argyle Street and Brunswick Street in Fitzroy.