I very much enjoyed a presentation the other night by Annabel Smith, author of US best seller Whiskey & Charlie (published in Australia as Whisky Charlie Foxtrot).
Her presentation ‘What to expect when expecting a book’, held at the Fitzroy library, was engaging and informative. She covered a range of topics including working with publishers, going to writers’ festivals, promoting a book, entering writing competitions, how much writers get paid, and use of social media.
She also shared stories and insights from her own journey as a writer.
One of the tips she provided resonated with me – the acronym “WIBBOW”, which stands for “Would I Be Better Off Writing?” Though Annabel did say it’s important for writers to have an internet presence to promote themselves and their work, WIBBOW is great to keep in mind so you don’t spend too much time with social media, blogging or other activities instead of actually writing.
As a first time ‘wanna be’ author, I can definitely relate to WIBBOW. I’m not a full time-writer, after all, and there are many distractions.
In the past I’ve had snippets of time to write, but very few decent blocks of time. This year my circumstances have changed and I’ve organised at least two or three days each week to focus on writing my memoir.
Annabel’s talk also made me reflect that I need to get out more, meet other writers, go to writer festivals, and read more books.
In other words, I need to immerse myself in the art and craft of writing so I can become a better writer.
Footnote: You can find out more about Annabel Smith on her website: http://annabelsmith.com