I’m almost there after eleven years of working on my memoir which is about growing up in the working class suburb of Fitzroy during the 1950s and 1960s.
The reason why it has taken so long is because I’ve had little time to write it while running two businesses. Though since the covid virus appeared last year I’ve had the opportunity to write regularly.
I’m currently working on the final draft and will finish that by the end of the year. Then one more run through before I start the process of getting it published.
I’ve leaning towards self publishing rather than the traditional publishing option because I do prefer control of my memoir.
I’ll engage professionals such as a book cover designer, editor, printer, and someone to format the book. I’ll do the marketing, distribution and I’ll also look at other ways of promoting my book besides this site and Face Book.
I’m on the homestretch and can just see the finishing post.
And it feels good!